Sunday, March 14, 2010

Take the adventures as they come

I'm spending the weekend in Hershey, PA with my Mom. It's been raining nonstop for 2 days, and the flood warnings are running rampant. Cabin fever sets in, so we take a short drive over to Hummelstown. Oh, Sunday, nearly everything is closed.

Oh, what's this...a raging stream? And it has a walking trail beside it? Hmmm...I think this calls for an adventure. We get our rinky-dink ultra-compact umbrella out of the car, and set off on a stroll. We hear the spring peepers and the birds. Surely the birds are quite excited that the rain is starting to dissipate.

The raging water was quite a sight. You could sense the power of it. It reminded me that water is such an amazing part of life; useful, indispensable, and obviously wild. This was the unexpected highlight of our weekend.

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