Three months have passed since our last visit. March has arrived, and I just thought, where are the Spring Peepers? I haven't heard them yet. I'm sure I'll hear them soon. I'm hearing the sounds of the geese making their annual northerly trek. The songbirds are out in full force, preparing for the breeding season. It's time to learn some bird songs.
Well, we got what we wished for regarding the winter snowstorms this year. And then some! I've never seen such a thing...over three feet of snow in one week?!? Some of our plants didn't like it very much. The rhododendron took a beating and will never be the same.
We had a wonderful treat at our suet station this year. No, we weren't eating the suet...a Northern Flicker joined us! We also had the typical songbirds, and 1-2-3 pesky squirrels (the squirrels seemed to multiply as the year progressed).
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venture was looking for signs of perennials and bulbs starting their annual journey from the earth. I found lots of new growth, including daffodils, crocuses, tulips, coreopsis, spiderwort, coral bells, and veronica. Have you ever tried this one...look closely at the branches on your trees at this time of year. I found buds forming on the peach tree, and anxiously await the beautiful flowers. The plums and cherries are also coming out of their winter slumber.
No matter the season, approach every day as a new adventure on this journey we call life.
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